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Hi, I'm Faith! Thank you for visiting my website!


You can use the contact form here on my website to contact me with your comments, questions, and prayer requests or to inquire about interviewing me or having me speak at your next event. I am so glad that you are here!

Love & prayers,



I am a Catholic wife, homeschooling mother, author, blogger, and survivor of clerical abuse. ​

My mission is to spread awareness about issues such as sexual abuse and trauma. Most of all, I feel called to spread a message of hope. During a life changing meeting with Pope Benedict XVI in 2008, he said to me, “There is always hope.” It is this message that I strive to bring to others through my work. Through faith, hope abounds even in the worst of circumstances.

I am a firm believer in the mind, body, and spirit connection. When one part suffers, they all suffer. Having endured sexual abuse, known the grief of loss, and survived cancer and a heart condition, I have personally found this whole person approach to be the most beneficial. Incorporating one's faith with proper nutrition, exercise, and good mental health support can make all the difference.

Everyone heals differently but healing IS possible. I hope that at least some of my content resonates with you and helps you (or someone you love) on your own healing journey. No matter what season of life you are in right now, remember that you are not alone and that there is tremendous beauty that comes from uniting one’s suffering to that of Jesus’s on the cross. I pray that you find hope, healing, peace, and freedom. 

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2024, Faith Hakesley
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