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  • Writer's pictureFaith Hakesley

Angels All Around Us

+JMJ+ A review of Anthony DeStefano's new children's book from Sophia Press, How the Angels Got Their Wings.

Hi, everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted here. I am now posting more regularly at my Ask a Survivor blog over on the Ruth Institute website and, between that and preparing for the birth of my fifth child, I'm just not getting the chance to write on this blog as much. But I'm popping on here today to recommend a really sweet book. This is a great one to have for younger kids especially with the summer break coming up soon!

It may come as no surprise that this book is written by none other than Anthony DeStefano, my family's favorite Catholic children's author. My family and I have honestly never picked up a book of his that we didn't thoroughly enjoy and fall in love with. His latest release How the Angels Got Their Wings is no different.

This is a beautifully written story and the illustrations by Antonio Javier Caparo are truly well-done and powerful. I love that Anthony is bringing attention to the angels, heavenly beings who we often forget are all around us. With the gentle rhyme so many of his readers love, Anthony explains how the angels came about, talks about the three archangels, about how the good angels drove the rebellious angels out of Heaven, and also about guardian angels. There are angels everywhere! They do God's will and are here to help us. Angels are there for us in good times and in bad. What a tremendous gift God has given us!

We especially need the help of our angels in today's world, so this is the perfect book to introduce your children to God's heavenly helpers. Everyone in the family will be able to enjoy this one together! It is full of truth, grace, and beauty!

To order your copy of How the Angels Got Their Wings, you can go here.


Disclaimer: this post is in no way sponsored by Sophia Press. I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest feedback and am sharing my thoughts in this blog post.

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