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  • Writer's pictureFaith Hakesley

The Master Psychologist

A review of Jesus the Master Psychologist by Dr. Ray Guarendi

+JMJ+ In a time when we are surrounded by chaos and so many of us are gripped with fear, it’s easy to forget to have a childlike trust in Jesus.

Now please don’t think that I am suggesting that we should sit back and watch all the present chaos unfold before our eyes. We are called to take action! However, the question on many people’s minds (including my own) is, “What action can we take?” Although we may little to no control over certain people and situations at times, taking action begins with ourselves. Turning to Jesus is exactly what all of us should be doing. After all, as Dr. Ray latest book states, Jesus truly is the master psychologist.

I have been a longtime fan of Dr. Ray Guarendi’s work and his newest book Jesus the Master Psychologist did not disappoint. Its contents are exactly what our confusing and chaotic world needs right now.

First off, this book is easy to understand. Not having to have a dictionary within reach when I’m reading a book related to psychology is always a plus. I love Dr. Ray’s signature lightheartedness and sense of humor and throughout the book he has woven practical solutions to everyday issues.

Most importantly, as I read this I was reminded that Jesus truly is the master psychologist. He is the one we can turn to in any situation. Will the solutions we are given be easy or come right away? No, but Jesus will always help to steer us in the right direction.

Are you searching for answers and solutions to parenting issues, spousal issues, etc? I think it’s safe to say that most of us are. The best advice we can offer one another is to, first and foremost, turn to Jesus and rely on Him. He has given (and continues to give) us everything we need.

Not to knock the psychology field because a good psychologist can make a world of a difference in a person’s life, but sometimes I look at what the mental health field has become and I feel a tremendous sense of disappointment. In many areas it has strayed from where it should be. At times it is causing more harm than good. As we learn more about the mind, it seems that some of the ideas for dealing with issues presenting themselves in the human experience become more radical and get more ridiculous (not to mention evil). Finding a good, grounded Christian or Catholic psychologist is unfortunately harder these days but not impossible.

Really, a good, holy psychologist should be reinforcing what Jesus has already taught us. He/She should have the goal of expanding on those messages that Jesus left us in the Scriptures. A psychologist can help to break things down and help us to apply those things to our everyday lives in practical ways. This is exactly what Jesus the Master Psychologist sets out to accomplish.

This book goes back to the basics and puts Jesus at the center of everything. Dr. Ray includes Scripture and its practical application to daily life. You’ll learn ways to get to the root of emotions, to stress less and trust in Jesus more, how to simplify your life and find ways to check your impulses.

Some of the other topics discussed include:

Self esteem

Difficult relatives

Subduing self

Loving a person without liking their actions

Judging right and wrong by God’s standards

Serving others and not expecting reciprocation

The Sacraments and the importance of Reconciliation

Approaching death and living “like you were dying so you can die like you lived.”

As a parent, I especially found the chapter on Small Words; Big Effect to be a real eye-opener and so helpful. Spoiler alert: don’t say, “We’ll see,” in response to a question. You’ll just have to read the book for yourself to find out why and how to deal with nagging. 😉

Jesus the Master Psychologist is powerful, insightful and helpful and is the perfect book for the times we are living in. Be sure to grab a copy!

Even my little guy is making attempts to read it which means it must be a pretty great book!

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